Why read through the Bible in Chronological Order

As we start reading through the Bible in Chronological order, it’s worth asking why we should do it. To answer, ask yourself, why read any story in the order that the events happened? The answers are obvious. With the exception of the use of flashbacks or other literary devices, we need to read and experience […]

A good summary of end-time theology

The following link is to an excellent article about the end times. It summarizes the key points, no matter what specific system people follow. Click on the link below to go to it: http://www.biblestudytools.com/bible-study/topical-studies/studying-the-bible-the-future-and-prophetic-scenarios-11628639.html?utm_source=Bible%20Study%20Tools%20Weekly%20-%20BibleStudyTools.com&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=10/28/2014 The most important reality to remember in all of this is that Jesus is coming back and we need to live […]

Halloween outreach card, give out with Halloween candy or anytime in the coming weeks

The Bible tells us to “make the most of every opportunity” and though it may seem odd to some, Halloween is a fantastic opportunity to share the gospel. It doesn’t matter what your church does or doesn’t do as outreach–many of you will have dozens of kids and families from your neighborhood coming by your […]

Spiritual Disciplines, one reason why to do them–no money required for life transformation

For the last several months I’ve read books by Dallas Willard (Divine Conspiracy, Hearing God) and most recently, The Spirit of the Disciplines. Among other challenges, Willard makes significant claims for the validity of the spiritual disciplines. His thinking can be summed up by saying that the spiritual disciplines are training for the body and […]

Islam and Christianity are VERY different and it is not loving to think otherwise

If a child is balanced on a cliff and about to fall off, it is not loving to allow them to play there because you don’t want to be a disagreeable parent. You don’t have to yell and smack the child to get her to turn away, in love you can gently take her by […]

Question Answered about Dr. Mouw of Fuller Seminary and his comments on the Mormon Church

I received an email question from a class member (and I love to get and answer them!) about Dr. Richard Mouw of Fuller Seminary and his blog comments on the Mormons. Following is a rather lengthy response to it. This is important because Dr. Mouw is a leader in the Christian church and his opinions […]

Pride, the root cause of destruction of individuals and nations

In this and last week’s readings, two passages show the dangers of pride. One describes Edom, the nation that descended from Esau and the other, the fate of King Uzziah, a good and godly king initially, but one whose pride God judged with leprosy. C.S. Lewis described pride as “the essential vice, the utmost evil.  […]