PLEASE read these two books as you study your Bible, to correctly interpret what you read

There are few verses that apply more to the church today than Matt. 22:29 where Jesus said: “You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God.” Jesus did not say, “You are in error because you couldn’t quote a proof text.” He said “You are in error because you […]

Pearls before swine….what does that really mean if we are to evangelize our world?

When we started this series on discernment, we asked people in the class give us questions and here is one of them: Jesus said, “Don’t cast your pearls before swine.” On one level I understand this, but on another level, what are pearls? What are swine? How do we discern our “pearls”? How do we […]

Discernment in Theological systems: what about predestination?

In our study of discernment, of how to make the right decisions in the midst of the spiritual warfare that rages around us, this week we looked at discerning theological systems. Here is the questions we looked at: Question: [following a lesson taught] “God knows who is going to be saved and who isn’t. So were […]

The Mormon scriptures and Biblilcal Progressive Revelation

class notes from 2-19-21012 In this class we answered the challenging questions that asked why we fault the Mormon church for changes in their scriptures, when the historical Christian church has an Old Testament and a New Testament. Many would say that the Book of Mormon is simply a later addition. This lesson shows how […]

Pride, the root cause of destruction of individuals and nations

In this and last week’s readings, two passages show the dangers of pride. One describes Edom, the nation that descended from Esau and the other, the fate of King Uzziah, a good and godly king initially, but one whose pride God judged with leprosy. C.S. Lewis described pride as “the essential vice, the utmost evil.  […]

Commentary on Obadiah, the brothers battle and the years of pain

Obadiah is the shortest book in the Old Testament, only one chapter long, but it tells a very old story. It relates the continuing fight and result of the battle between two brothers, Jacob and Esau. God foretold before the twins were born that the older would serve the younger, but no one in the […]