Trinity #3–How the Persons of the Trinity relate to one another, a brief history of Modalism and other false views

From our Bible-based study of the Trinity, we have established so far that all three members of the Trinity are God and all three are Persons. Having said that, how do these persons exist? This was one of the early and most important challenges for the early church to figure out because, in part because […]

Trinity #2–One God, three distinct persons in relationship to each other

Last week we started our study of the Trinity and we could see from the Bible passages that God the Father is God, God the Son is God, and God the Holy Spirit is God. All of them in the Bible are described with the attributes of God. This week the lesson looks at what […]

Trinity #1-Foundational to the Christian Faith and a key distinction from the Mormon Church

In a recent television interview, Pastor Rick Warren was asked his opinion about the Mormon Church and he graciously replied that he had a problem with their view of the Trinity, that it was not the Biblical view. I appreciated that because it cut to the core of the difference between the Mormon Church and […]