PLEASE read these two books as you study your Bible, to correctly interpret what you read

There are few verses that apply more to the church today than Matt. 22:29 where Jesus said: “You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God.” Jesus did not say, “You are in error because you couldn’t quote a proof text.” He said “You are in error because you […]

Interpreting the Bible literally and the Mormon view of God

Why do the Mormons believe that God the Father has a physical body in contrast with the Biblical Christian view that God is Spirit? This and many more views about God that differ from are based on how each church interprets the Bible. The lesson notes that follow show the difference, plus give some extra […]

Three ways to study the Bible

This video gives you an overview of three ways to study the Bible: devotionally, as an overview, and using commentaries for study. In addition to briefly discussing the value of each of these methods, the video introduces websites that will help you in each area. On our class YouTube channel ( are additional videos that […]

Read your Bible for an overview of all

You don’t really understand any part of the Bible if you don’t know the content of the entire Bible. To make that content part of your life, you need a plan to read through the Bible consistently. This brief video shows you why it is so important and introduces a great online program that gives […]