Live Class: Overview of the Books of the Bible Everyone Skips–Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers

So many of us start reading through the Bible with great enthusiasm and the stories of Genesis, Noah, the Ark, and Joseph remind us of well-loved stories. But then we start reading about sacrifices, blood on the altar, furnishings of the temple, cubits and spans, punishment by stoning and rules for every aspect of life. […]

Video: Job and Genesis, Foundational Answers to the Big Questions of Life

These are the first two books of the Bible that we are reading in our chronological reading through the Bible in a year. In this video we’ll talk about why we read Job in the middle of Genesis and how these two books help answer some of the big questions of life.  

Video: How we got the Christian Bible, Lesson One: the Usefulness of History

This is part of a Six-Part Series on How we got the Christian Bible. I’ll be adding the more lessons as soon as I get each one recorded. This one shows how history is a useful tool that helps us confirm our trust in the Bible and this video shows you how we date manuscripts […]

If you don’t have time to read the Bible, this might help

My Grandmother raised 4 kids during the Depression, mostly by herself because Grandpa was hospitalized when my mom was 12 and stayed in the hospital until a few months before they sent him home to die in his 60’s. I can’t imagine the challenges she faced because she never talked about them—she always talked about […]

Speak His Words to each other, a command and joy

I was at a Bible study last night and among other things, we were discussing the importance of sharing God’s Words with each other—literally, God’s Words—the Bible, the Word, the truth in it. As I woke up this morning I was reminded of Mal. 3:16-18 Then those who feared the Lord spoke with one another. […]

PLEASE read these two books as you study your Bible, to correctly interpret what you read

There are few verses that apply more to the church today than Matt. 22:29 where Jesus said: “You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God.” Jesus did not say, “You are in error because you couldn’t quote a proof text.” He said “You are in error because you […]

When overwhelmed, the one thing we need to do

I was feeling overwhelmed this week. I know that’s not unique to me and my schedule isn’t more busy or crazy or stressed than anyone else’s (to me it seems like it is, but I know that is self-delusion). Seriously, as I was thinking about that I remembered something I wrote a while back and […]